Humble Anchor Coffee Roasters

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Drying Journeys: Exploring Coffee Processing Techniques

Unveiling the Hidden Treasure

In the world of coffee, the journey from cherry to cup is a fascinating process, and drying plays a pivotal role in shaping the flavours we savor in each brew. In this blog, we will delve into the art and science behind various coffee drying methods, uncovering how each technique infuses the coffee with distinct tastes and aromas.

Drying the Coffee Cherries

Once harvested, coffee cherries go through a transformative journey to reveal the hidden treasure within. There are several methods farmers use to do this:

Washed Process: The Washed Process is a coffee processing method that involves removing the outer skin and pulp from the harvested coffee cherries. After the cherries are picked, they are washed to separate the seeds from the remaining fruit. This results in clean and bright flavours in the final cup, showcasing the natural characteristics of the coffee origin without the influence of additional fruity or fermented notes.

Washing the seeds

Honey Process: The Honey Process, is a coffee processing method that involves removing the outer skin of the cherry but leaving some sticky fruit pulp (mucilage) on the seeds. The seeds are then dried with the mucilage intact, allowing the sugars to be absorbed by the seeds, imparting them with a distinct sweetness and complexity.

Sticky Honey Processed

Natural Process: This is a coffee processing method where the harvested coffee cherries are dried with their pulp intact. The cherries are spread out on patios or raised beds to dry naturally under the sun, allowing the fruit to infuse the seeds with flavor during the drying process. This results in coffee with pronounced fruity and fermented notes, creating a unique and distinctive taste profile that highlights the origin of the coffee.

Naturally Dried Inside Cherry

Anaerobic Process: This is a coffee processing method that involves fermenting coffee cherries in a low-oxygen environment, typically inside a sealed container. This controlled fermentation can last for several hours to a few days, depending on the desired flavor outcome. The absence of oxygen during fermentation leads to intriguing and experimental flavour profiles, often showcasing fruity, wine-like, or other unique taste notes. The Anaerobic Process has gained popularity among coffee producers for its ability to produce distinct and complex flavours.

Processing in a low-oxygen environment

Rum Barrel: This Process is a coffee aging technique where green coffee seeds are stored in empty rum barrels for a period of time. During this aging process, the coffee absorbs the flavors and aromas of the residual rum present in the barrels. This imparts the coffee with distinct and rich notes, reminiscent of the barrel's previous contents.

Rum Flavour Infused Coffee

These captivating processes highlight the remarkable artistry of coffee production and offer aficionados an exceptional range of taste experiences to savor and explore.