Humble Anchor Coffee Roasters

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From Crop to Cup: The Journey of Coffee

Hey there, coffee connoisseurs! Ever caught yourself daydreaming about the wild adventure your coffee goes on before it ends up in your cup? We know we have! Whether you're a morning champion, a midday hustler, or a cozy evening enthusiast, the story behind your coffee is nothing short of epic.

At humble anchor we love the story of bean to cup. Along the way we’ve met some pretty great people who are passionate about what they do and it’s a beautiful thing to see how a simple cup of coffee can connect to so many communities. Follow along to find out how this amazing process happens!

The Humble Beginnings: Coffee Plantations

Our coffee journey begins in the lush green landscapes of coffee plantations, often nestled in tropical regions with the perfect blend of sunlight, rain, and elevation. Coffee plants, primarily Arabica and Robusta species, thrive under these optimal conditions, as farmers meticulously nurture their crops with care and expertise.

Harvesting the Bounty: Picking Coffee Cherries

As the coffee cherries ripen to a vibrant red or deep purple hue, skilled hands gently pluck them from the trees. Some plantations use a selective picking method, where only the ripest cherries are harvested in multiple passes, ensuring the highest quality coffee.

Coffee Drying Process

Processing: The Technique and Artistry

There are many different methods in the drying of coffee.

The washed process involves carefully removing their outer skin, leaving behind the sticky fruit pulp (mucilage). The cherries are then laid out on patios or raised beds to dry naturally under the sun.

In the Natural Process, the cherries dry with their pulp intact, infusing the seeds with fruity and fermented flavors.

The Honey Process strikes a balance, with some mucilage left on the cherries, creating a unique sweetness and complexity in the final cup.

Each drying method, these listed and others, contribute to the diverse and captivating flavors found in specialty coffees worldwide.

Interested in learning more? Read Drying Journeys: Exploring Coffee Processing Techniques”

A Pecking Order: Sorting and Grading

After processing, the harvested coffee seeds go through a meticulous sorting process to eliminate any defects or impurities. Following that, they are graded according to size, shape, and appearance. Specialty-grade coffee, considered the finest selection, adheres to rigorous quality standards and commands top prices due to its extraordinary taste.

Transporting the Green Gold: Shipping and Export

The journey continues as the green coffee undergoes packaging, often using special hermetic linings inside the well known jute coffee sacks. Then the green coffees are transported across the seas to reach coffee-loving nations around the globe. This stage entails meticulous storage and transportation to preserve the freshness and quality of the coffee.

Checking the Beans During Roasting

Roasting: Unlocking the Aromas

Once the green coffee arrives at its destination, skilled roasters take center stage. They carefully roast the green seeds to varying degrees, transforming them from raw to aromatic delights. The roasting process is a harmonious blend of art and science, where the unique characteristics of each coffee origin are brought to life.

Brewing Magic: Coffee Preparation

At last, it's time for the grand finale! The roasted coffee is ground, brewed, and transformed into the exquisite liquid we know and love. From pour-over to espresso, French press to cold brew, each method offers a distinct experience, allowing us to explore the full range of flavours that coffee has to offer.

The journey of coffee, from the sun-kissed coffee plantations to your cherished cup, is an awe-inspiring saga of passion, precision, and artistry. The remarkable efforts of farmers, processors, roasters, and baristas culminate in the ultimate reward—the perfect cup of coffee that brings joy and warmth to our everyday lives. So, the next time you take a sip of your favourite brew, let your mind wander back to the origin of those humble beans, and savour each moment of this amazing journey.

Happy sipping!