We are the Janzens

   and the Khans.   

We love people and really, really like coffee!

Born out of a passion for great coffee and a desire to connect with their community, Humble Anchor Coffee Roasters is more than just a roastery; it exists to create a space where people feel welcomed and connected to each other, while enjoying their favorite coffee drinks in the historic heart of Vila do Conde.

The Janzens, Kevin and Angela, are from Canada. They moved to Portugal in 2020, after spending nearly 10 years in Ireland. They found their love for coffee, roasting, and baking when they lived in Ireland’s west coast, where they had a table at the local farmer’s market. Kevin's knack for roasting coffee and Angela's artisanal baking created an opportunity to connect with the community.

Fueled by their love for people and coffee, they ventured to Portugal, bringing their passion and dedication to sourcing premium green coffees sustainably and ethically. Each batch is carefully roasted, unlocking the distinct flavors and aromas of each origin.

The Khans, originally from Hawaiʻi, joined Humble Anchor in 2024. Arbab is a chef who enjoys creating and sharing comforting, seasonal foods. Leesa has a background in marketing and communications, and aims to foster a sense of community in all we do. She also consciously weaves in environmentally sustainable practices. Arbab and Leesa bring aloha into every aspect of the business, loving our community here in Vila do Conde. 

Together, the Janzens and the Khans embody the spirit of Humble Anchor, where simplicity meets excellence, and every cup tells a story. Come experience our artisan market and roastery cafe, where quality coffee and delicious foods are served with warmth and hospitality.

Contact us for more info.

  • Vision:

    Hebrews 6:19 We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.

    To provide high quality, locally roasted coffee, food, and baked goods. To be welcoming to all by creating a community and having an approachability in all we do.

    Our vision is to use our passion for this craft to ultimately reflect and point to the creator of all things because he is our anchor and our hope.


    Jeremiah 29:7 Seek peace and well-being for the city where I have sent you. Pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its peace you will have peace.

    We value collaboration with local businesses by providing our coffee to cafes who can not roast themselves due to space or cost, highlighting local artisans in our shop and giving back to the community.

    In light of this, we strive to be a sustainable business, where people are valued, whether it be our customers, partners, vendors or employees. Everyday we give our best and choose thankfulness for the opportunities we are given.